Neighborhood Protection Overlay Update
Planning Commission Recommends Approval of our Neighborhood Protection Overlay
Vote: 9-1
The Joint City-County Planning Commission voted to recommend our proposed NPO for adoption by the City Council. By a 9-1 margin, planning commissioners supported the goals and the bulk of the language of the NPO. They lauded our efforts to protect our unique and extensive tree canopy against unstudied development, and agreed with most other provisions in the NPO.
They also recommended that language in the NPO pertaining to commercial properties be clarified to better explain how the NPO affects commercial properties not converted from residential houses. We believe this clarification to the NPO language will help the few businesses who have not yet completely seen the benefits of the NPO come to understand its purpose. We will work with them and the Planning Department in the coming weeks, doing our best to extend the broad consensus we have worked to achieve throughout this process.
We could not have done this without consonant diligence and care from the rest of neighborhood. Close to fifty people came out to the hearing to support the NPO. The Planning Commission was visibly impressed when NPO Committee Chair Frances Kerr asked those supporting the NPO to stand. Several of the commissioners thanked us for the hard work we have done.
As we celebrate this success, we know that the process is not yet complete. The City Council must vote to adopt the changes outlined in the NPO. Stay tuned to this Web site and the TLNA list-serv for the date and time of the City Council meeting when the Tuscaloosa-Lakewood NPO will be on the agenda.
City Council Public Hearing Soon
We'll need your support more than ever at the City Council meeting. Look for announcements coming soon.
For questions or comments, contact Frances Kerr: ; 490-6942.
Vote: 9-1
The Joint City-County Planning Commission voted to recommend our proposed NPO for adoption by the City Council. By a 9-1 margin, planning commissioners supported the goals and the bulk of the language of the NPO. They lauded our efforts to protect our unique and extensive tree canopy against unstudied development, and agreed with most other provisions in the NPO.
They also recommended that language in the NPO pertaining to commercial properties be clarified to better explain how the NPO affects commercial properties not converted from residential houses. We believe this clarification to the NPO language will help the few businesses who have not yet completely seen the benefits of the NPO come to understand its purpose. We will work with them and the Planning Department in the coming weeks, doing our best to extend the broad consensus we have worked to achieve throughout this process.
We could not have done this without consonant diligence and care from the rest of neighborhood. Close to fifty people came out to the hearing to support the NPO. The Planning Commission was visibly impressed when NPO Committee Chair Frances Kerr asked those supporting the NPO to stand. Several of the commissioners thanked us for the hard work we have done.
As we celebrate this success, we know that the process is not yet complete. The City Council must vote to adopt the changes outlined in the NPO. Stay tuned to this Web site and the TLNA list-serv for the date and time of the City Council meeting when the Tuscaloosa-Lakewood NPO will be on the agenda.
City Council Public Hearing Soon
We'll need your support more than ever at the City Council meeting. Look for announcements coming soon.
For questions or comments, contact Frances Kerr: ; 490-6942.