Second Chris "Disco" Chambers National Night Out Picnic
For the second year, TNLA partnered with our neighbors in Long Meadow Neighborhood Association (LMNA) for the Chris "Disco" Chambers National Night Out Picnic. This year LMNA hosted in a nice shady picnic area in the 1700 block of High Street. We had about 125 participants, including several representatives from the Police Dept, plus Diane Catatti from City Council. Chuck Clifton (LMNA) and Myers Sugg (TLNA) welcomed everyone and spoke briefly about Neighborhood Watch and other neighborhood programs. Myers brought free low-energy light bulbs to distribute from QOL. Nearby neighbors rolled their grill down the street for hot dogs. Kim Hanauer (TLNA) went home with a few apples left from her own tree, plus home-grown figs from a neighbor and a low watt light bulb! See you next year, when TLNA hosts again in a new location.