Neighborhood Protection Overlay Update
Those big red and yellow zoning signs that recently appeared throughout the neighborhood were placed by the City-County Planning Department to announce the public hearing for our proposed NPO. The hearing will be part of the City-County Planning Commission's February meeting: Tuesday, February 12 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, City Hall (first floor) We need your support at the public hearing to show the Planning Commission that the neighborhood supports adoption of the NPO. The NPO Committee will make a ten-minute presentation. At the end, we'll ask all the property owners present who support the NPO to stand up. The more people we have, the clearer the message will be to the Planning Commission that the neighborhood wants the adoption of this NPO. To see the latest draft of the proposed NPO, click on this link: To see a map of the boundaries for the NPO, click on this link: tl_npo_proposed_map.pdf Fo...